Thursday, June 29, 2006


Caught “King and the Clown” recently with a friend (oooo another arty and gay film o_O) and came up with some more things to ponder.

When is the line between being really good friends, even “brothers”, to being gay. Because the film did cause some disagreement. I felt that it could be interpreted that the 2 clowns weren’t actually gay, just really good friends, willing to die for each other. Just because one happened to be a really androgynous male (ok who am I kidding. He was just too feminine) doesn’t mean the relationship that they shared was gay.

I mean if both had been hard, Rambo type alpha males, then there wouldn’t be this discussion in the first place. Of course, if it had been 2 alpha males then it would have been called “DIE HARD: RAMBO EDITION: WITH SPECIAL APPEARANCE FROM TERMINATOR! PART X” with the body count leapfrogging over the no of people who died since the beginning of time.

But that’s digressing. When is the line crossed? There was no sex (or at least none showed) between the 2 guys. There was no kissing. Nothing. And yet people are jumping to call the 2 of them gay. People are calling this movie the Korean “Brokeback Mountain”

And for what? Because one guy looked like a female? Are we making a simple mistake of judging a book by its cover?

Think I'm semi over it. But I don't think I ever want to see her again. It still hurts too much. Did I ever mean anything to her?

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