Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Just watched Harry Potter of the Rings Part XXXII Naria with a bunch of friends the other day and since I'm pretty much a fanboy of Naria, I loved it.

But I also watched too many war movies to not point out that Peter was pretty much clueless when it came to battle tactics...

  1. Air superiority. They had air superiority FFS! Wars were won with air superiority. And what did he do? Send out one measly flight to drop stones from WITHIN arrow range. He should have set up refueling stations and sent out wave after wave to bombard to enemy. And do it from outside arrow range. Gravity was in his favour.
  2. Long range support. In this case it would be the archers. He didn't even use them till they were leading the enemy into a supposed trap. (More on the trap later) He could have kept them in the second row, continuely shooting and picking of enemies while they charged. Alternatively send some on the air support to pick off enemies while they are busy engaged with his own troops.
  3. Preperation. Apparently, the battleground was of Peter's choosing. Why no preperation done on it? Dig trenches, set up spiked barricades, etc. Spartacus could do it, why not Peter? Ok, maybe there wasn't that much time, but if all they could muster was some fire arrow(or pheonix) to set up a wall of fire against the ICE queen, then I'm severly disappointed.
  4. No pikemen? Against a calvary charge? A disappointed William Wallace must surely be tsking.
  5. Trap? (see point 2) What trap? When leading enemies into a Valley of Death, make sure they can't see your ambush troops. And make sure the people on the top of the valley raining death down are your own troops, not the enemy..

I think about the only thing he did right was keeping troops in reserve and sending them in the flank the enemy when they were caught off guard, and I attibute it more to Aslan then Peter. :P

Note: To those really rabid fanboys, these was written tounge in cheek and in no way my fault. I blame Heskey.

Wierd self-referencing story.

For cunning linguist.

This Is the Title of This Story,
Which Is Also Found Several Times in the Story Itself

David Moser

This is the first sentence of this story. This is the second sentence. This is the title of this story, which is also found several times in the story itself. This sentence is questioning the intrinsic value of the first two sentences. This sentence is to inform you, in case you haven't already realized it, that this is a self-referential story, that is, a story containing sentences that refer to their own structure and function. This is a sentence that provides an ending to the first paragraph.

This is the first sentence of a new paragraph in a self-referential story. This sentence is introducing you to the protagonist of the story, a young boy named Billy. This sentence tells you that Billy is blond and blue-eyed and American and twelve years old and strangling his mother. This sentence comments on the awkward nature of the self-referential narrative form while recognizing the strange and playful detachment it affords the writer. As if illustrating the point made by the last sentence, this sentence reminds us, with no trace of facetiousness, that children are a precious gift from God and that the world is a better place when graced by the unique joys and delights they bring to it.

This sentence describes Billy's mother's bulging eyes and protruding tongue and makes reference to the unpleasant choking and gagging noises she's making. This sentence makes the observation that these are uncertain and difficult times, and that relationships, even seemingly deep-rooted and permanent ones, do have a tendency to break down.

Introduces, in this paragraph, the device of sentence fragments. A sentence fragment. Another. Good device. Will be used more later.

This is actually the last sentence of this story but has been placed here by mistake. This is the title of this story, which is also found several times within the story itself. As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself in his bed transformed into a gigantic insect. This sentence informs you that the preceding sentence is from another story entirely (a better one, it must be noted) and has no place at all in this particular narrative. Despite the claims of the preceding sentence, this sentence feels compelled to inform you that the story you are reading is in actuality ``The Metamorphosis'' by Franz Kafka, and that the sentence referred to by the preceding sentence is the only sentence which does indeed belong to the story. This sentence overrides the preceding sentence by informing the reader (poor, confused wretch) that this piece of literature is actually the Declaration of Independence, but that the author, in a show of extreme negligence (if not malicious sabotage), has so far failed to include even one single sentence from that stirring document, although he has condescended to use a small sentence fragment, namely, ``When in the course of human events,'' embedded in quotation marks near the end of a sentence. Showing a keen awareness of the boredom and downright hostility of the average reader with regard to the pointless conceptual games indulged in by the preceding sentences, this sentence returns us at last to the scenario of the story by asking the question, ``Why is Billy strangling his mother?'' This sentence attempts to shed some light on the question posed by the preceding sentence but fails. This sentence, however, succeeds, in that it suggests a possible incestuous relationship between Billy and his mother and alludes to the concomitant Freudian complications an astute reader will immediately envision. Incest. The unspeakable taboo. The universal prohibition. Incest. And notice the sentence fragments? Good literary device. Will be used more later.

This sentence is the first sentence in a new paragraph. This is the last sentence in a new paragraph.

This sentence can serve as either the beginning of the paragraph or the end, depending on its placement. This is the title of this story, which is also found several times in the story itself. This sentence raises a serious objection to the entire class of self-referential sentences that merely comment on their own function or placement within the story (e.g., the preceding four sentences), on the grounds that they are monotonously predictable, unforgivably self-indulgent, and merely serve to distract the reader from the real subject of this story, which at this point seems to concern strangulation and incest and who knows what other delightful topics. The purpose of this sentence is to point out that the preceding sentence, while not itself a member of the class of self-referential sentences it objects to, nevertheless also serves merely to distract the reader from the real subject of this story, which actually concerns Gregor Samsa's inexplicable transformation into a gigantic insect (despite the vociferous counterclaims of other well-meaning although misinformed sentences). This sentence can serve as either the beginning of the paragraph or the end, depending on its placement.

This is the title of this story, which is also found several times in the story itself. This is almost the title of this story, which is found only once in the story itself. This sentence regretfully states that up to this point the self-referential mode of narrative has had a paralyzing effect on the actual progress of the story itself---that is, these sentences have been so concerned with analyzing themselves and their role in the story that they have failed by and large to perform their function as communicators of events and ideas that one hopes coalesce into a plot, character development, etc.---in short, the very raisons d'ĂȘtre of any respectable, hardworking sentence in the midst of a piece of compelling prose fiction. This sentence in addition points out the obvious analogy between the plight of these agonizingly self-aware sentences and similarly afflicted human beings, and it points out the analogous paralyzing effects wrought by excessive and tortured self-examination.

The purpose of this sentence (which can also serve as a paragraph) is to speculate that if the Declaration of Independence had been worded and structured as lackadaisically and incoherently as this story has been so far, there's no telling what kind of warped libertine society we'd be living in now or to what depths of decadence the inhabitants of this country might have sunk, even to the point of deranged and debased writers constructing irritatingly cumbersome and needlessly prolix sentences that sometimes possess the questionable if not downright undesirable quality of referring to themselves and they sometimes even become run-on sentences or exhibit other signs of inexcusably sloppy grammar like unneeded superfluous redundancies that almost certainly would have insidious effects on the lifestyle and morals of our impressionable youth, leading them to commit incest or even murder and maybe that's why Billy is strangling his mother, because of sentences just like this one, which have no discernible goals or perspicuous purpose and just end up anywhere, even in mid

Bizarre. A sentence fragment. Another fragment. Twelve years old. This is a sentence that. Fragmented. And strangling his mother. Sorry, sorry. Bizarre. This. More fragments. This is it. Fragments. The title of this story, which. Blond. Sorry, sorry. Fragment after fragment. Harder. This is a sentence that. Fragments. Damn good device.

The purpose of this sentence is threefold: (1) to apologize for the unfortunate and inexplicable lapse exhibited by the preceding paragraph; (2) to assure you, the reader, that it will not happen again; and (3) to reiterate the point that these are uncertain and difficult times and that aspects of language, even seemingly stable and deeply rooted ones such as syntax and meaning, do break down. This sentence adds nothing substantial to the sentiments of the preceding sentence but merely provides a concluding sentence to this paragraph, which otherwise might not have one.

This sentence, in a sudden and courageous burst of altruism, tries to abandon the self-referential mode but fails. This sentence tries again, but the attempt is doomed from the start.

This sentence, in a last ditch attempt to infuse some iota of story line into this paralyzed prose piece, quickly alludes to Billy's frantic cover-up attempts, followed by a lyrical, touching, and beautifully written passage, wherein Billy is reconciled with his father (thus resolving the subliminal Freudian conflicts obvious to any astute reader) and a final exciting police chase scene during which Billy is accidentally shot and killed by a panicky rookie policeman who is coincidentally named Billy. This sentence, although basically in complete sympathy with the laudable efforts of the preceding action-packed sentence, reminds the reader that such allusions to a story that doesn't, in fact, yet exist are no substitute for the real thing and therefore will not get the author (indolent goof-off that he is) off the proverbial hook.

Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph. Paragraph.

The purpose. Of this paragraph. Is to apologize. For its gratuitous use. Of. Sentence fragments. Sorry.

The purpose of this sentence is to apologize for the pointless and silly adolescent games indulged in by the preceding two paragraphs, and to express regret on the part of us, the more mature sentences, that the entire tone of this story is such that it can't seem to communicate a simple, albeit sordid, scenario.

This sentence wishes to apologize for all the needless apologies found in this story (this one included), which, although placed here ostensibly for the benefit of the more vexed readers, merely delay in a maddeningly recursive way the continuation of the by-now nearly forgotten story line.

This sentence is bursting at the punctuation marks with news of the dire import of self-reference as applied to sentences, a practice that could prove to be a veritable Pandora's box of potential havoc, for if a sentence can refer or allude to itself, why not a lowly subordinate clause, perhaps this very clause? Or this sentence fragment? Or three words? Two words? One?

Perhaps it is appropriate that this sentence gently and with no trace of condescension remind us that these are indeed difficult and uncertain times and that in general people just aren't nice enough to each other, and perhaps we, whether sentient human beings or sentient sentences, should just try harder. I mean, there is such a thing as free will, there has to be, and this sentence is proof of it! Neither this sentence nor you, the reader, is completely helpless in the face of all the pitiless forces at work in the universe. We should stand our ground, face facts, take Mother Nature by the throat and just try harder. By the throat. Harder. Harder, harder.


This is the title of this story, which is also found several times in the story itself.

This is the last sentence of the story. This is the last sentence of the story. This is the last sentence of the story. This is.


Monday, December 26, 2005

I present to you the new danger...

DiHydrogen Monoxide

P.S: Thanks Eugene. :P

Trash Talk?

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Best Blonde Joke EVER!

It really cracks me up!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Evolution of Programmers

Evolution of Programmers

Warning. If you have no programming background, the page is liable to give you blinding headaches. If you know programming, it's liable to kill you. But you'll die laughing.

Now we know...

Where those emails come from

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Desaru Pics!

Huifang and Remi on the ferry

Teng Huat getting comfortable

Sid happy to finally get something to eat

Yihao on the ferry

Gathering of unicyclist

Pool by the resort

Side of the deep valley for flying fox


Top of the hill

Balancing beam

End of flying fox. Sid was a chicken and walked down.

Sid and Yihao

Obstacle course we encountered

More muddy wheels

Huifang and Remi

Muddy me

Muddy Wheel

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Off to Desaru for the weekend for some fun! Woo~!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Love sleeping late?

Sleep first, Work later

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Lecturer Quotes

Remember some interesting sentence that your lecturer used? Something that made you laugh?

Here's a whole bunch of them.

"On the same day I proposed to my wife, I said to her: 'The derivative of my love for you is zero.'" - Dr. Sid Kolpas, Calculus

Monday, December 12, 2005

Found on some webpage

A smiley says a thousand words
*** Arendra has quit IRC (Excess Flood)

Words of wisdom, IRC style

How does it work?!?!?

Card Trick

Found out why...

Note: Spoiler below. Highlight to see.

All the cards that you can choose are not there anymore. The cards shown are different. Ergo, whatever card you pick, will not be there.

Friday, December 09, 2005



Bread is dangerous


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My ear operation!

1 cyst.
5 stiches.
Thank you for anesthetic. Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 02, 2005

Internet history

made funny

Don't smoke

Smoke kills

Probably going to offend A LOT of people, but what the heck.

Congrats to Jing Xian!

For your gold in the triatholon in the SEA games. Nice one!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Test your vocabulary!


My highscore : 510. Thor, I know you just going to try to beat that. Bring it on. I've got obsessive complusive disorder. Be warned.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Confirmed - Eugene is gay!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Crush Calculator

You just know you want to try it.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Learn to communicate!

Reply without anger -


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Yes, I admit I'm childish.

You Are 17 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Girls = Evil. :P

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Imagine doing that to all your modules.

Kung Fu Fuck You.

Warning rude gestures all round.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Worst place to study in Bedok.

It has got to be the Burger King in Bedok central next to the Cash Converter.

  • The toilet is spoilt
  • There is a repetitive music played in the backgroud that is extremely irritating and distracting
  • Temptation to binge is high
  • Need to use toilet is high due to excessive eating and drinking
  • Did I mention the toilet was spoilt?
End result?
Only person studying there was me...

Macdonald's gets a close second due to the song that's repeated every 10 mins. Yes the song that goes "Maia hii Maia hoo Maia haa Maia haa haa!"

Promotional video for UNICON 13


Do not try most of the things at home..

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Studying getting to you?

Then procastinate!

Disclaimer: You will very likely fail you exams due to not studying if you click that link. I do not bear any responsibility for that.

Damm you Eugene!

Since Eugene decided to post stupid songs with infectious lyrics, I decided to return the favour.

Black Lace - Agadoo

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee
To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody

I met a hula mistress somewhere in Waikiki
Where she was selling pineapple playing ukulele
And when I went to the girl come on and teach me to sway
She laughed and whispered to me yes come tonight to the bay

The lovely beach and the sky
The moon of Hawaii
The rum calypso sarong
We'll all be singing this song

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee
To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee
To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee
To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody

Then down on the shore
They gather romance
She showed me much more
Not only to dance

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee
To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee
To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody

The lovely beach and the sky
The moon of Hawaii
The rum calypso sarong
We'll all be singing this song

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee
To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee
To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody

Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee
To the left to the right jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night sing with a hula melody

I dare you to not sing the chorus after that. :P

Saturday, November 12, 2005

More FM.. I should stop...

Not going to happen in real life.. Too bad..

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Guys only.

Found on a certain toilet door in a certain institute of higher learning in Singapore.
Note the tape on the bottom sticker.


Saw this conmercial on TV proclaiming the wonders of "modern TCM".

TCM stands for traditional chinese medicine. So what's so modern about it?


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

More lame MSN

Show's how exam stress is catching up on everyone.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Saving Face

No, this post is not about how I'm starting to get outbreaks after finishing my anti-biotic course.

Instead it's about a movie! One that I caught over the weekend and I absolutely loved it.

It had a rather nice plot, and one of the biggest and most complicated relationships I've witnessed. It's set in a American-Chinese locale and according to a review, would not have worked in any other setting. It's showcases the typical mindset of a close knit Chinese society bound by strict ethics and ethos.

[spoilers ahead!]

Now back to the relationship. There's this high flying girl who's been brought up in above mentioned society. You can see that she's more American then Chinese already. Although she manages a smattering of Chinese, her English is flawless. And guess what! She's a lesbian. And falls in love with another girl, who happens to be her bosses' daughter.

And if that's not all, her mother turns up at her doorstep crying one night. And she's pregnant and refuses to tell who the father is. The main character's grandparents of course throw a fit and in the process throw her mother out of the family. It's like clearing the rubbish, you throw everything out at once to save the trouble.

Her mother goes through what can only be mildly termed as a mid-life crisis while she herself has to deal with juggling her work and keeping her dancer lover happy. Her mother then tries to set her up with guys while she does the same thing in return.

Hilarity and touching moments occur and you get your requisite happy ending, which everyone seems to like.

[End spoilers]

If you want to know more of what happened, catch the movie. It's definately better then some of the rubbish that's showing in the cimenas at the moment.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Special Post

Tutor said this on 27 October 2005:

In America, they call this a special item. In Singapore, they call it an especialnal (exceptional) item. Please do not get confused. (Yah, right.)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The good old days

Just testing the new Picasa's send to Blogger function and decided to post this photo. Guys, we got to meet up after exams! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 24, 2005

More meaningless MSN chatter

raymond: how to kill yourself with a chicken drumstick. says:

we can camp at SOC lvl 8 and get a ton of free waste papers
YuaNWA : Dustbin Dude is seeing the bright side of life. says:
errr. so we can plot how to take over the world by writing everything down?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Mistake of life

Why bother studying...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Update on my life

Finished my anti-biotic course. My 2 month course which took me more then 2 months to finish. Meaning I did not eat everything on time and skipped it here and there.

And thus my mutation into Anti-Biotic Man seems complete. Wonder how long it will last.

Got a belated birthday present for myself. A finished CS3266 project sitting on my lap. Although I had to sweat blood to get it done myself, it's finally over.

Well 2 more projects to go. And a shit load of stuff to study. Bleh.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pointless comment thread

Found on Eugene's Blog. I want money for helping you advertise Eugene!

CrazyUnicyclist said...
I never said Arts Graduates become burger flippers! I'll sue your pants off!

11:52 AM

Eugene said...
I never say you say hor. I'll countersue your butt off!

3:59 PM

CrazyUnicyclist said...
I never say you accuse me hor. I'll counter-counter sue your butt-hole off.

12:00 AM

Eugene said...
I never say you say I say hor. I'll counter-counter sue the hair of your butt-hole off!

3:43 AM

CrazyUnicyclist said...
I never say you say I say you say hor. I'll counter-counter-counter sue the follicles of the hair of your butt-hole off!

12:47 PM

Eugene said...
Ah ha! Foliicles are the same as hair cells! Gotcha!

But just in case:
I never say you say I say you say I say hor! I'll counter-counter-counter-counter sue the lice of your hair of your butt-hole off!

7:45 PM

CrazyUnicyclist said...
fol·li·cle Audio pronunciation of "follicles" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fl-kl)

1. Anatomy.
1. A small bodily cavity or sac.
2. A crypt or minute cul-de-sac or lacuna, such as the depression in the skin from which the hair emerges.
3. An ovarian follicle.
4. A spherical mass of cells usually containing a cavity.
2. Botany. A dry, single-chambered fruit that splits along only one seam to release its seeds, as in larkspur and milkweed.

Is it? It refers to the hole from which the hair comes out from. Gotcha X 2!

But anyway, to continue this pointless debate:
I never say you say I say you say I say you say I say hor! I'll counter-counter-counter-counter sue the hair of your lice of the hair of your butt-hole off!

8:52 PM

Yi Han said...
wah liao... this is never ending..

1:11 AM

Eugene said...
Damn! You may win it now, ONEWHEEL, but I will have my revenge one day! *cue cliche villain background music*

3:37 AM

CrazyUnicyclist said...
Note to eugene.

Villians always say that. And what happens? They get their arse-hole kicked off them. Or would you prefer sued?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Which Villian are you?

Warning! Ads are slighly NSFW!

You're evil this much: 59%

You're the basic James Bond villain fron the old days. Just one step
above the James Bond Villain of the new Days. You stroke cats, and jerk

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 9% on crazy points
Link: The SUPER VILLAIN Test written by genepoolfun on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Having a bad day?


Fire authorities in California found a corpse in a burned out section of
forest while assessing the damage done by a forest fire. The deceased male
was dressed in a full wet suit, complete with scuba tanks on his back,
flippers, and facemask. A post-mortem revealed that the person died not from
burns, but from massive internal injuries.

Dental records provided a positive identification. Investigators then set
about to determine how a fully clad diver ended up in the middle of a forest
fire. It was revealed that on the day of the fire, the person went for a
diving trip off the coast some 20 miles from the forest. The firefighters,
seeking to control the fire as quickly as possible, called in a fleet of
helicopters with very large dip buckets. Water was dipped from the ocean and
then flown to the forest fire and emptied.

You guessed it. One minute our diver was making like Flipper in the
Pacific, the next he was doing the breaststroke in a fire dip bucket 300
feet in the air. Apparently he extinguished exactly 5'10" of the
fire. Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.



A man was working on his motorcycle on his patio and his wife was in the
kitchen. The man was racing the engine on the motorcycle when it
accidentally slipped into gear. The man, still holding onto the
handlebars, was dragged through the glass patio doors and along with the
motorcycle dumped onto the floor inside the house. The wife, hearing the
crash, ran into the dining room and found her husband lying on the floor,
cut and bleeding, the motorcycle lying next to him, and the shattered patio

The wife ran to the phone and summoned the ambulance. Because they lived
on a fairly large hill, the wife went down the several flights of stairs to
the street to escort the paramedics to her husband. After the ambulance
arrived and transported the man to the hospital, the wife
uprighted the motorcycle and pushed it outside.

Seeing that gas was spilled on the floor, the wife got some paper towels,
blotted up the gasoline, and threw the towels in the toilet. The man was
treated and released to come home. Upon arriving home, he looked at the
shattered patio door and the damage done to his motorcycle. He became
despondent, went to the bathroom, sat down on the
toilet and smoked a cigarette. After finishing the cigarette, he flipped
it between his legs into the toilet bowl while seated. The wife, who was
in the kitchen, heard the loud explosion and her husband screaming. She
ran into the bathroom and found her husband lying on the floor. His trousers
had been blown away and he was suffering burns on the buttocks, the back of
his legs, and his groin.

The wife again ran to the phone to call the ambulance. The very same
paramedic crew was dispatched and the wife met them at the street. The
paramedics loaded the husband onto the stretcher and began carrying him to
the street.

While they were going down the stairs to the street accompanied by the
wife, one of the paramedics asked the wife how the husband had burned
himself. She told them and the paramedics started laughing so hard, one of
them slipped and tipped the stretcher, dumping the husband out. He fell down
the remaining stairs and broke his arm.



Just remember, it could be worse.....


Iraqi terrorist, Khay Rahnajet, didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb.
It came back with "return to sender" stamped on it. Forgetting it was the
bomb, he opened it and was blown to bits.

Your day's not so bad, is it?


The next time you're having a bad day, imagine this:

You're a Siamese twin.

Your brother, attached at your shoulder, is gay.

You're not.

He has a date coming over today.

But you have the only ass.

Feel better now?

MacDonald's Happy Meal Toys

I have this theory that I came up with while eating at Macdonalds. They had this big TV constantly bombarding consumers with advertising and such.

One of the advertisements happened to be about Happy Meal Toys, in the case, a collaboration with Play-Doh. The "action figure" when inserted with Play Doh would then churn out fries and burgers.

Well, parents always want their kids to be something. They aspire for their kid to be the next Prime Minister, Superstar or *insert random occupation which earns lots of money so the parents can go on round the world tours every year*

So what do these anxious parents do? They try to imprint this aspirations into the child at a young age via toys. Plastic mobile phones for the future business manager, stethoscopes for the young doctor.

So as you can see, this is a glorious plan by Macdonalds to churn out future burger flippers, french fry fries and Arts degree holders (:P sorry, just couldn't resist it.) The child on eating Macdonalds happy meals and playing with toys that make burgers, happily decide there and then that they will flip burgers in the future!

A superb plan by Macdonalds to err... help support the local economy and give more jobs to the people!

Comments at the back of empty Happy Meal boxes.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Part 2 of Jose Mourinho


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Diary of a Chinese High Boy

Tounge in cheek of course.

Like that stupid infernal rabbit, I just keep on going.. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 08, 2005

le parkour

Extreme Running

Friday, October 07, 2005

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Words of Wisdom

DON'T waste money on expensive ipods. Simply think of your favourite tune and hum it. If you want to "switch tracks", simply think of another song you like and hum that instead.

RAPPERS: Avoid having to say 'know what I'm sayin' all the time by actually speaking clearly in the first place.

DON'T waste money on expensive paper shredders to avoid having your identity stolen. Simply place a few dog turds in the bin bags along with your old bank statements.

WORRIED that your teeth will be stained after a heavy night drinking red wine? Simply drink a bottle of white wine before going to bed to remove the stains.

MURDERERS: Need to dispose of a body? Simply parcel it up and post it to yourself via DHL. You will never see it again.

EMPLOYERS: Avoid hiring unlucky people by immediately tossing half the CVs into the bin.

MEN: When listening to your favourite CD, simply turn up the sound to the volume you desire; then turn it down three notches. This will save your wife from having to do it.

GAMBLERS: For a new gambling opportunity, try sending #50 to yourself by Royal Mail.

BANGING: two pistachio nutshells together gives the impression that a very small horse is approaching.

BLIND PEOPLE: Give yourself at least a chance of seeing something by not wearing heavy dark glasses all the time.

ALCOHOL: makes an ideal substitute for happiness.

DRIVERS: If a car breaks down or stalls in front of you, beep your horn and wave your arms frantically. This should help the car start and send them on their way.

PREVENT burglars stealing everything in the house by simply moving everything in the house into your bedroom when you go to bed. In the morning, simply move it all back again.

CAR thieves: Don't be discouraged when nothing is on view. All the valuables may be hidden in the glove box or under a seat.

DEPRESSED people: Instead of attempting suicide as a 'cry for help', simply shout 'Help!' thus saving money on paracetamol, etc.

MOTORISTS: Avoid getting prosecuted for using your phone whilst driving. Simply pop your mobile inside a large shell and the police will think you are listening to the sea.

JEREMY Beadle: When selling DVDs on your TV advert, hold the disks in your bigger hand so that they do not appear to be the size of laser disks.

SHOES last twice as long if only worn every other day.

SINGLE men: Convince people that you have a girlfriend by standing outside Etam with several bags of shopping, looking at your watch and occasionally glancing inside.

BOIL an egg to perfection without costly egg timers by popping the egg into boiling water and driving away from your home at exactly 60 mph. After 3 miles, phone your wife and tell her to take the egg out the pan.

ALCOHOLICS: don't worry where the next drink is coming from. Go to the pub, where a large selection is available at retail prices.

McDONALD'S: Make your brown carrier bags green in colour so they blend in with the countryside after they've been thrown out of car windows.


Some people think that Japanese is pretty difficult to learn with it's various innotations and inflections to reflect the status of the person being addressed.

Others think it's Chinese with it's thousands of characters.

Some swear that sign languague is pretty difficult.

I can only say the language of Statistics and Probabilty is the most horrible...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I am not obsessive compulsive!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Talking cock on MSN.

YuaNWA : Dustbin Dude is happy! says:
pimples are a bacterial infection of the sweat gland
YuaNWA : Dustbin Dude is happy! says:
they occur when dirt gets in the glands or there is an excessive build up of oil in it
YuaNWA : Dustbin Dude is happy! says:
so to prevent pimple, surgically remove all sweat glands and release heat by panting like a god
YuaNWA : Dustbin Dude is happy! says:
i mean dog

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

23 years and counting

Yup. One year older again and nothing much to show for it.

Thanks to all the people who remembered, it was touching to receive greetings from people you thought would not remember.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Review of "Be With Me"

Captured what I felt about the film perfectly. I admit it, I cried during the film, specifically when the shopkeeper relieved his wife of her suffering.


In another of our many expeditions in seach of the culturally noteworthy, The High Levels took to the cinema today to catch the new Eric Khoo film. In customary High Level fashion, we barely got to the cinema on time, what with The Heat getting detained by respective winsome ladies at the ticketing booth and popcorn counter, who suddenly found themselves perspiring profusely for no reason. Word had it that there was going to be some girl on girl action in the film. And if there was to be, the public may be certain that The High Levels would be there digest it from the intellectual and artistic perspective.

Be With Me was not a very good film in the way that Top Gun was a good film. There was no sex, no good music to hum along to, and no explosions captured in jaw-dropping slow-motion. The narrative fleshed out the lives of five or six (we forget) different individuals, and attempted to intertwine them in a way reminiscent of Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia. One or two threads could have been dispensed with altogether. The love between the lesbian couple was, as Rockson would have put it, 'a bit extra'. The film tried to pull one within the emotional intensity of the relationship by inserting lovely little piano/violin duets at critical courtship moments. Yet the outcome of that relationship (as well as its emotional impact) on the audience was dulled, outweighed, and completely trivialised but the other narrative threads. Still, it must be said (we insist) that both actresses photograph splendidly.

Yet aside from the aforementioned technicality, Be With Me is an extraordinary film about loneliness and suffering; on love and its absence. It limps along, then suddenly, and without warning, goes and breaks your heart. Several of the scenes commanded unspeakable emotional power, reducing The High Levels to sustained bouts of restrained weeping, as well as all manner of uncivilised snivelling. The old shopkeeper put in a Masterclass performace, establishing himself as the emotional pivot of the film. It is from him that the meaning of the film emanates, and it is for him that all tears are shed. The scene in the shophouse where he imagines seeing/not seeing his dead wife had tRYATHLETE closing his eyes in the theater's darkness, unwilling to take any more punishment. The point where the audience observes their hands clasp over her mouth as he plants a desolate kiss on her forehead, sent the entire HL crew into visible and audible convulsions. By the time he wept in the blind and deaf woman's arms, the entire cinema was wracked with grief (save for the few who found the blind and deaf woman's speech amusing, and the same people who found the foiled suicide of the jilted lesbian hilarious).

The values of the film, in its evocation of human dignity, courage, estrangement and love left the High Levels humbled. It painstakingly strips away all that is material, forcing us to look at humanity at its most fundamental levels of naked emotion. The film takes us to a place where the meaning of love embeds itself within watercress soup and steamed rice; where love finds itself destroyed, and in turn destroys those who loved through grief. A place where all that remains of love is its remembrance. It is a place where people eat only in order that they may go on loving.

You have it on good authority. Be With Me is the moment of local cinema.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Secret Chelski dressing room recording


Singapore - Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Unicycle Hockey team is coming over to Singapore for a friendly match with, you guess it, us, the Singapore Unicyclist.

It's on the 25 September 2005. 10:30am. Singapore Polytechnic Hockey Court, just beside the stadium. So if anyone is free, do come down to support us. Entrance is free. :P

EDIT: It's been changed to 10:30 instead of 11am.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Food for thought

Pun not intended.

Hell Week

The army is where boys become men, and hell week is where men become frogmen. Or so says the Naval Diving Unit (NDU).

It's where one goes through one week of physical and mental exertions with sleep deprevation thrown in for good measure.

They say it's the toughest thing that a human can go through without actually going through hell.

I beg to differ, I'm going through day 1 of my own personal hell week now.

How so? It's the mid-term break for NUS now. Some people like to think of it as a "holiday", especially those naive freshmen. Well, after 2 years in university, one tends to know better. The start of mid-term break signals the start of 1 week of sleep deprevation, mental and physical tourture!

You attend project meetings all day and then at night, you sit in front of your workdesk, rushing more reports and projects and tutorials and catching up with lectures. All the way till the middle of the night. Falling into a fitful sleep, you dream of books and lecture notes chasing you, only to wake in a flurry of flying notes that you have thrown. Morning bekons and the cycle starts all over again.

I'm only in day 1 and it feels like an both an eternity and an instant.

How am I too survive?

* looks around for moral support *

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Grow Cube!

There was Grow and then Grow RPG and now :
Grow Cube!


person, water, trees, pot, tube, fire, tree, bone, spring, ball.

Friday, September 16, 2005


Well the time of the year where I celebrate wearing my first suit is coming again and hence I have decided to compile a wishlist *hint*hint*

I'll add it to the sidebar soon.


  • Liverpool Jersy (Home/Away/Champions League)
  • Coker (or any other 36" unicycles)
  • Gloves
  • Helmet
  • CS3266 project all done
  • Less stress
  • PDA

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Wonder what's next.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

September 11

That time of the year has come again.
RIP victims of 9/11.

Friday, September 09, 2005


Since only one person commented for the poll of whether to retake my IPPT, I have decided to declare it null and void on the grounds that the person who posted the comment was of an unsound mind at the momment of typing.

Also taking a cue from a friend, I would like to say something about what you don't hear during lectures.

Lecturer: "And so from here you will see that it is so..."

Hundreds of students scream silently: "FU*K! BUT I DON'T SEE IT!"

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Like horror?

This is for you.

I however admit I'm a pussy and I played this is bright day light with the sound turned to minimum. Bah.

Most expensive 4 cm

The most expensive 4 cm in my to date. $100 to be exact.


It was the difference between Silver and Pass in my IPPT test.

Results as follows:
Score Pts
Sit Up 40 5
Broad Jump 221cm 2 <--------This bloody station. I needed 225cm for silver.
Chin Up 8 3
Shuttle Run 9.7s 5
2.4km 11.33min 3

You get $200 for Silver and $100 for pass. Because of that bloody station I'm $100 poorer. Considering whether I should go take it another time and try to get silver. Is the extra $100 worth it?

Answers on the back of IPPT result slips.

Results of comments so far:

Yes - 1
No - 0

Will update as more people who can be bothered to comment, comment.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I found someone lamer then me.

Lame guy.

Liew I should try to outdo him in the photos.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Monday, August 29, 2005

More ninja/martial arts goodness.


They are a group dedicate to martial arts displays. The videos are good.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

2 more to 2000

I'm posting this meaningless update so people will come and up my hit count to 2000.


EDIT: Yay. With the revelation that I'm a post count whore, people have decided to visit my blog to find out the truth behind it. I guess most will be disappointed. But the important thing is that this blog has reached another milestone, 2000 hits.

Friday, August 26, 2005


Yay, finally got the next level of playing in FM2005.

Jiahui, you want to talk about obsession? Let's talk obsession.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


CORS is a system used by NUS for module bidding and tutorial registration. Unfortunately, they failed in one golden aspect. Stress testing the server.

If MMORPG had this sort of problems, they would fail. Customers would complain. Why can NUS keep getting away with such mediocre service? We pay money to the school so they can screw our lives, making us sit in front of the computer waiting for the day when CORS will finally work?

After the hoo-hah that was NKF and the power of an online petition, I suggest that we create an online petition to NUS asking them to improve CORS.. or else.

So to cap this rant off, I decided I finally realised what CORS stood for,

Curiously Old and Rejected System, Succumbs Under Careful Killer Students!
(for the slow, it's CORS SUCKS!)

EDIT: Obviously someone has been busy and setup the petition already. Help by signing it at

CORS petition.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Preferantial Pondering Points

Few things happen in my life. I'm a boring person, so I tend to have nothing to blog about. Hence the absolute nothingness that appears in my blog.

However, stuff happened to me today which got me thinking and hence (*GASP*) a blog post.

First of all, imagine you're sitting on a bus, any bus, SBS, TIBS, even the bloody NUS shuttle service. Now buses are almost like magical objects. They always appear when you don't need them and are always late. You wait for ages for one to appear and then all three come at one time. The leave when you just reach the bus stop. Nothing can stop them!

But this post is not about buses (couldn't tell, could you). Instead it's about what happens in the bus. As I said earlier, imagine you're in a bus. You sit beside someone as there are no other seats. The bus happily travels along whatever magical runway it's currently going along to screw up the timetables of innocent people, and then decides to stop at a bus-stop. People alight.

Now you realise that they are lots of seats about, but the person beside you has not gotten off. What would you do?

1. Would you go take another seat?

2. Would you just continue seating there?

For option 1, you probably feel more comfortable, the person beside you probably also feels more comfortable. But all the same you think "Would the person mind?". If the person left sitting there was you, would you think "Am I smelling wrongly today? Did I do something offensive?" Seems like an awful dilemma to me.

What would you do?Answers on the back of a post card.

Secondly, I went for a doctor's appointment today, for my acne "problem". And guess what, the doctor gave me another 2 months supply of antibiotics. That's 120 pills in all.

120 for those blind people.

You know how superheros come about? They're exposed to radiation, come into contact with some wierd magical stuff.

I got a feeling that at the end of 2 months, I will be so saturated with antibiotics, I will become a superhero. You know, something like "ANTIBIOTIC MAN!"

He's like an ordinary human being on the outside, but there's more then meets the eye! He can't outrun a speeding bullet, he can't jump over buildings in a single leap, but he sure as hell will not succumb to the common cold!

Any comic firms want me as a writer? Marvel? DC? I got another great character concept, "DUSTBIN DUDE!"

Request for my expertise of the back of used comic books!

Monday, August 15, 2005

DIY comics

Strip Generator

Make your very own comics!

Monday, August 08, 2005

7th Month

Since it's the 7th lunar month and the period of Hungry Ghost, here's a link to show you what some people saw in a huanted mansion.

Barton Mansion

Take a look at the images and the video.

By popular request

Well by popular request, another picture of me acting stupid.

I'm in half a mind now to use Photoshop and put me on top of some mountain with the sun rising in the background and lens flare effects galore. Or I could just use this as a hint for someone to help me do that. *hint*hint*

Friday, August 05, 2005

Hitler joke

Sorry if it offends anyone.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm A GeEk!

The Simple Geek
You answered 71% of the questions as a geek truly would.

You don't seem to sway in either direction, however you still seem to
have some latent geek attributes within you. Maybe you're interested in
computers but not a gamer? Maybe you've got geek hobbies but none of
the awkward social tendencies. You may be slightly geekier than you
thought and in denial!

The simple geek usually has various quirks that friends may make
fun of, but in general can be considered a fairly normal person. Your
geek attributes make you less likely to conform to society. The popular
kids don't hate you but the geeks don't either, so it's a respectable

In a nutshell, you answered enough questions with geek tendencies
and enough questions without geek tendencies that it's difficult to
pinpoint your exact alignment.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 42% on geekness
Link: The True Geek Test written by ambientred on Ok Cupid

Ninjas are cool

People who know me, know that I think ninjas are cool, right up there with water slides and Mushroom Swiss Whoopers.

That being said, I think a lot of people will suddenly know that they DON'T know me now and even if they did, refuse to even associate with someone who actually thinks ninjas are cool. Water slides, I'm sure most people could accept, but it takes a wierdo like me to actually think ninjas are cool.

So without further ado, I present "How to be a ninja (or at least look like one)"

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Am I sensing a trend?

Kudos to Jiahui for ruining my life.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Lousy Banner

Attemp at a link banner so people can use it.

Edit: Ok, due to my general suckeness at photoshop and the friendliness of friends (Shuan), I present my new banner.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Personality tests

I love them. They give me an excuse to post without having to type and think too much.

Toward the top of the paper, you are positive and optimistic.
Toward the middle, you are a realist.
Toward the bottom, you are pessimistic, and have a tendency to behave negatively.

Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates (birthdays, etc.)
Facing right, you are innovative and active, but don't have a strong sense of family, nor do you remember dates
Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions.

With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful.
With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker.

With less than 4 legs, they are insecure or are living through a period of major change.
With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals.

The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are.
The bigger the better. You drew small ears, you are an OK listener

The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life.
And again more is better! You drew small tail :)

Piggy Test

Friday, July 22, 2005

New Section

Notice the side bar? It now had a new section entitled, "My Stupid Projects"

It consist so far of 2 projects,

  • The Dustbin Chronicles
  • Things I put on my head
I'll update them when new stuff comes along as well as think of more stupid projects I can do. Ideas on the back of a postcard!

The Dustbin Chronicles have been updated to show 2 pictures done by a friend.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I'm in HufflePuff

Going with the Harry Potter craze, I decided to take Sorting Hat quiz.


Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

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