Friday, November 28, 2008

The Bird is the Word! Part Deux.

It's way fucking awesome. I need to get me a chicken to try this.

The following conversation also defies logic:

(13:53:02) ME: that is fucking amazing!
(13:53:08) ME: i got to get me a chicken to try
(13:53:27) JH: cool right
(13:54:22) ME: i want a chicken!
(13:54:29) ME: damm why are all the chickens in my home dead..
(13:57:12) JH: uh
(13:58:26) ME: if i eat enough chickens will i gain that ability?
(13:58:58) JH: yes you will
(13:59:01) JH: oh yes you will
(13:59:01) JH: eat more
(13:59:04) JH: please
(13:59:29) ME: are chickens region free?
(13:59:49) JH: no
(13:59:51) ME: i'm afraid the chickens in melbourne are not ability compatiable with the chickens from us
(13:59:52) JH: argh
(13:59:52) JH: i mean yes
(13:59:53) ME: *US
(14:00:11) ME: mmm okie
(14:00:56) JH: eat more
(14:01:29) ME: i will
(14:01:38) ME: then you will see my awesome ability!
(14:01:45) ME: but i've been eating chicken for 26 year
(14:02:08) ME: how many more do i need to eat?
(14:02:13) ME: got wiki entry or not?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Know any mathematicians?

"An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar." The first one orders a beer. The second orders half a beer. The third, a quarter of a beer. The bartender says "You're all idiots", and pours two beers.

Posted using ShareThis

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Weird dream

Had the freaking weird dream last night where I was dreaming about googling for the word that means to refine/dilute a substance to it's purest form of water (homeopathy) and to my horror, all the links on google were to SFW porn pictures.

And somewhere in there were a trio of soldiers on a jury rigged cabinet with a machine gun zooming about in the ocean.

This was on the front page of Digg

It's surprising how people don't believe that this was possible and that there are actually quite a few people who can do it. The misconceptions about unicycling out there are enormous.

Friday, November 14, 2008

When will they ever learn

After the SPORE fiasco, you would think that companies would learn something.

Apparently not.

I have just bought a copy of Football Manager 2009 and guess what? Due to the DRM whereby I have to autheticate with the servers online, I can't play the game I spent good money on. The authentication servers are down. And while I'm stuck here with an expensive coaster, people who have downloaded the game are happily playing it.

DRM rarely work. It's Murphy's law, sod's law. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

I am just so pissed right now.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Use protection

That day I learnt a valuable lesson.

Always use protection.

You might thing that you're good and skillful, quick and agile. You think that you can adjust in time. But let me tell you, when you feel that need to go faster, in the throes of passion for what you are doing, you might make a mistake.

And by then it would be too late.

Always use protection or you could end up like me.

Result of not using protection.
Story: I was riding too fast and didn't see a hump on the road thus crashing and burning. If I has used protection like knee pads, I wouldn't be in this state.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Have you heard?

Crap! Gotta run. Need to take a dump

It's just sinking in, I'm going to run a marathon in 31 days. This is scary. I haven't actually been training as diligently as I like. It's so boring, just running for hours to an end.

That being said, I did go for a run 2 days back, only to meet the most unfortunate of circumstances. You see, I was faced with a need to take a dump while on a run.

The thing is, it was in the middle of no where, with nary a toilet in sight. So I had to soldier on. Unfortunately, the more I wanted to run, the more I felt I was losing control of my bowels.

And thus a dilemma: Do I run faster so I can get back home to take a dump and risk shitting in my pants? Or do I try to take it slow and try to control my bowels but walk as fast as possible home.

I chose the later option and made it home safe and clean.

On a side note, was reading Terry Pratchet's latest book: Nation, and it gave a rather interesting explanation of my previous predicament. Namely, when you are scared, your first instinct is to run. When running away, you want to be as light as possible, and that means letting go off everything that you don't need, and that includes Merde.

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