The Bird is the Word! Part Deux.
It's way fucking awesome. I need to get me a chicken to try this.
The following conversation also defies logic:
(13:53:02) ME: that is fucking amazing!
(13:53:08) ME: i got to get me a chicken to try
(13:53:27) JH: cool right
(13:54:22) ME: i want a chicken!
(13:54:29) ME: damm why are all the chickens in my home dead..
(13:57:12) JH: uh
(13:58:26) ME: if i eat enough chickens will i gain that ability?
(13:58:58) JH: yes you will
(13:59:01) JH: oh yes you will
(13:59:01) JH: eat more
(13:59:04) JH: please
(13:59:29) ME: are chickens region free?
(13:59:49) JH: no
(13:59:51) ME: i'm afraid the chickens in melbourne are not ability compatiable with the chickens from us
(13:59:52) JH: argh
(13:59:52) JH: i mean yes
(13:59:53) ME: *US
(14:00:11) ME: mmm okie
(14:00:56) JH: eat more
(14:01:29) ME: i will
(14:01:38) ME: then you will see my awesome ability!
(14:01:45) ME: but i've been eating chicken for 26 year
(14:02:08) ME: how many more do i need to eat?
(14:02:13) ME: got wiki entry or not?