Monday, November 23, 2009


It has sort of crept up on me unnoticed. 6th Dec 2009. D-day. Call it whatever you want, but that is the day I will fulfill my 2008 resolution. Yes, it's one year late, but better late then never, yah?

In 2008, I made the resolution to run a marathon. I wanted to do it before I got too old and sort of fell apart. Unfortunately, work dealt me a cruel blow, sending me into exile in Melbourne just before I was due to run the Run.

This year, I'm back and I've set a date for my showdown with the beast. All 42.195 km of it. And I realized I'm woefully unprepared. The furthest I've run is around 16 km. I don't really feel too bad doing it and to be honest it's a little no-kick these days, albeit really really mind-blowingly boring. I plan to do a 20+++ km run next week and then it should be time for the moment of truth.

If you don't see me after 6th of Dec, you will know I have fought the good fight. I will not go quietly into the cold dark night. I will go down fighting. Or I will emerge victorious, and never have to stare down a 42.195km beast ever again.

Optical Illusion

You all know how this works, but when you see it for that split second, it's seriously freaky.

Taken from here

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nice quote

"present perceptions of past people are not at all the same as past people's perceptions of their present"


I can forsee myself being dead broke in the months to come as I plan for 2 getaways.

One to Europe and another one to New Zealand.

Thankfully the Europe one is where I get sent there on course by my company and hence the tickets will be covered. Taking an additional one week to hopefully tour Amsterdam, Brussels and *fingers crossed* get to catch a match at Anfield. But the traveling within Europe is still going to cost moolah.

New Zealand will be to attend Unicon 15 in Wellington. This one, the tickets will be coming out of my own pockets leading me to come to the conclusion that I will be pretty much broke come Feb 2010.

Ah well at least it should be a blast.

South Park - Pun Hell

South Park came up with another pun that will send their writers to pun hell.

Firstly, they defined Fag, not as a gay person, but rather an obnoxious person who drives loud motorcycles around, much to the annoyance of everyone else.

Next they said that someone who was just intrigued by loud motorcycles, but had not bought one yet, and instead just checks them out in stores as... wait for it... bike-curious.

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