I can forsee myself being dead broke in the months to come as I plan for 2 getaways.
One to Europe and another one to New Zealand.
Thankfully the Europe one is where I get sent there on course by my company and hence the tickets will be covered. Taking an additional one week to hopefully tour Amsterdam, Brussels and *fingers crossed* get to catch a match at Anfield. But the traveling within Europe is still going to cost moolah.
New Zealand will be to attend Unicon 15 in Wellington. This one, the tickets will be coming out of my own pockets leading me to come to the conclusion that I will be pretty much broke come Feb 2010.
Ah well at least it should be a blast.
Amsterdam is awesome! Will you be bringing your unicycle? It is a cycling town, so you should have a blast on your uni. Make sure you try Febo; a fried foods vending machine snack house. Also bring your camera since there is a lot of beauty to capture. Just don't take pictures in the Red Light District, or you risk getting your camera thrown into the canal.
As for Unicon, I wish i could go with you guys, but I will not be able to attend this year. Maybe next year, depending on where it is.
Brilliant! You're familiar with Amsterdam then? Might have to look to you for places to visit.
As for Unicon, it's biennial, so the next one will be 2 years later. It'll either be South Korea or Italy.
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