Monday, November 23, 2009


It has sort of crept up on me unnoticed. 6th Dec 2009. D-day. Call it whatever you want, but that is the day I will fulfill my 2008 resolution. Yes, it's one year late, but better late then never, yah?

In 2008, I made the resolution to run a marathon. I wanted to do it before I got too old and sort of fell apart. Unfortunately, work dealt me a cruel blow, sending me into exile in Melbourne just before I was due to run the Run.

This year, I'm back and I've set a date for my showdown with the beast. All 42.195 km of it. And I realized I'm woefully unprepared. The furthest I've run is around 16 km. I don't really feel too bad doing it and to be honest it's a little no-kick these days, albeit really really mind-blowingly boring. I plan to do a 20+++ km run next week and then it should be time for the moment of truth.

If you don't see me after 6th of Dec, you will know I have fought the good fight. I will not go quietly into the cold dark night. I will go down fighting. Or I will emerge victorious, and never have to stare down a 42.195km beast ever again.

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