Monday, February 06, 2006

Whatever happened to

those annoying children mascots. Boredom made me ponder on that question and I came up with this!

1. Teletubbies
Remember those irritating teletubbies that loved to frolick around naked (well technically, they are naked! Just because there is a lack of outwardly showing genitials, doesn't mean they're not!) in the babyish looking sun-baked hills filled with rabbits.?

What ever happened to them?

What I think: most probably offended one too many people with their incessant "ar-oh"s (or hello in baby speak). Grinded up and sold as rainbow powder for kids to use in their art's project. Except purple's triangle, which was made into a clothes hanger.

2. Barney the purple dinosaur

Remember the song that he used to sing?

I love you,
You love me!

Which was bastardised into this song popular amoung mischeivous school kids

I love you,
You love me,
Together, we'll have a baby!
With a big round egg
and one long thin sperm,
Together, we'll have a ba-by!

Whatever happened to him?

What I think:

Audtioned for both Godzilla and Jurassic Park. Lost the part to Godzilla in Godzilla, decided to challenge him to a celebrity deathmatch, and promptly got stomped on.

Not to be detered, decided to fight not one, but two raptors from Jurassic Park and promptly this happened:

3. B1 and B2 a.k.a. Banana's in Pajamas!

Are you thinking what I'm thinking B1?

I think I am B2!

How many times have you heard that irritating phrase?

What ever happened to them?

Simple, right? Made into banana splits!

Alternative ending:

Masquerading as slippers.

4. Elmo

Claim to fame:
This is the song,
la la la la,
Elmo's song.
La la la la,
Elmo's song.
La la la la,
la la la la.

Got big headed with fame, cloned himself into a range of successful and unsuccesful products.

Tickle me Elmo.


Skin being ripped and used as kids clothing

used to warm certain parts of the body

All tounge in cheek. All names and images are the property of their respective owners. No muppets, bananas, dinosaurs (who am I kidding, Barney was eaten by raptors..) and teletubbies were harmed in the writting of this post.

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