Friday, September 25, 2009


I'm going Kota Kinabalu!

After another hair brained idea by JH, we entered this contest by Jetstar. In this challenge, we would be tasked to go to Kota Kinabalu and complete 5 things. We will be traveling there via Jetstar light where there will be no check-in luggage and only hand carry luggage is allowed. Using the money saved on what would otherwise be spent on paying for the check-in luggage, we will instead use this money to do 5 things in Kota Kinabalu. We will then have to blog about our experience and the winning entry will get a 500 dollar voucher.

We've checked out some of the previous entries and it seems that everyone just goes to eat. We've decided to be something different. Oh yes, we're going to do the opposite of eating! We're going to exercise! And on one wheel! So many exclamation marks!!!11one11eleven!!

So our plan is to actually try to squeeze a unicycle (20") into a bag that can be carried on. As mention by JH this is probably going to be as fun as the whole trip itself. The next challenge will then be to bring said carry on luggage on board, while simultaneously trying to convince all security we are not trying to clobber anybody with it. Happy days.

This should be lark and hopefully everything will turn out well. In the mean time, I've got a unicycle to disassemble.

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