Tuesday, May 04, 2004

American Idol.

Well old news, but John Stevens was kicked out last week. I found this on someother place and it just rings so true that I have to share it.

An AMAZING last post by wykbbb from the idolonfox forums

Isn't it ironic that the least talkative, most reserved contestant ends up being one of the most talk about, controversial contestants.
Isn’t ironic a show designed to find the next big pop sensation, because of Young Red Head actually ended up introducing and getting a few teeny-boppers interested in Old Blue Eyes.

Isn't it ironic that the contestant with the least amount of "Personality", gained alot of respect, support, and/or fans based on a large part because of his personality.

Isn't it ironic that a week after Randy lectured America on voting for a contestant that they can be proud of , both Paula and Ryan tell John that they are “proud of him” after his performance Tuesday.

Isn’t it ironic that Ryan “Seacrest out” seems more sincere than Paula “the nice judge” when they tell John they are proud of him.

Isn’t it ironic that Nigel the producer went on Entertainment Tonight and announced that next week is Big Band week, knowing full well that the redheaded crooner was already eliminated.

Isn’t it ironic that tear-jerk moment of the evening wasn’t the heavily produced, melodramatic farewell video, but was in fact a single, simple, heartfelt word “Them.”

Isn’t it fitting that the last broadcasted word spoken by John Stevens on the AI stage is “Thank you.” (After the farewell video, John thanks Ryan when Ryan tells him he’s a talented class act.)

Isn't it ironic that the youngest kid on Idol ends up showing the judges, other contestants, and the viewers the true meaning of maturity, class and grace.

Well I wish him the best of luck in future. He was just in the wrong competition.

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