Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Pantomime - My word of the month.

Recently saw this word and was really attracted to it. The reason? I can't really make a sentence out of it.

Anyway at they gave this as the meaning :

1. Communication by means of gesture and facial expression: Some tourists make themselves understood abroad by pantomime.

1. The telling of a story without words, by means of bodily movements, gestures, and facial expressions.
2. A play, dance, or other theatrical performance characterized by such wordless storytelling.
3. An ancient Roman theatrical performance in which one actor played all the parts by means of gesture and movement, accompanied by a narrative chorus.
4. A player in such a performance.

3. A traditional British Christmas entertainment for children, usually based on nursery tales and featuring stock characters in costume who sing, dance, and perform skits.

Well there are some sentences in there but I can't really make up one on my own. Go figure.

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