Sunday, May 09, 2004

Muni again or why I'm going to be an MCP.

Well I went for Muni again today and there were a few more people along. It was great fun other then the heat which was killing me. We also took quite a few (read every junction) stops. In fact it took us about 3 hours to finally complete the trial.

Well, I don't really want to say this as it is rather sexist and I hate to discriminate, but it was because there was a girl along and well due to her weaker constitution, could not keep up and we had to make frequent stops becuase of that. If you are reading this, sorry, but that's how I feel. Go excercise more, get fitter, before trying it again. I don't want to have to carry you all the way out if you collapse.

Anyway, since it was not raining this time, I managed better, with much less falls and the downhills were actually more fun since I did not have to think if I was going to die over the next hump or not.

On a side note, Liverpool won 3-0 to Birmingham yesterday night. Woo. 4th is getting so much closer. I can almost smell the Champions League spot. Hope we dun slip up.

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