Sunday, May 23, 2004


I attended a wake the other day. It was a friends father. He took it rather well as his father was stricken with cancer and he was more or less prepared for it. But it still sucked. Losing someone you love.

I make no qualms about it. I fear death. It terrifies me. What happens after death? For those religious people, who say after-life in one of it's many forms, well until it's proven, I'm not to liable to believe it. Imagine sleeping forever, that's what death is too me. Not being able to do the things you like, see the people you love. As such it really terrifies me.

I believe that every so called phobia in life comes down to fear of death. Fear of heights? More like fear of falling from a high place and dieing. Fear of spiders? More like fear of getting bitten and dieing.

Which also made me think. Fear of ghost. Why fear ghost? Because it can kill you? But then you have proof that there is an afterlife then, so why be afriad? Condundrum there. Not that I would like to meet one, thank you, it's been drilled into me by countless horror movies that I should fear ghost.

Been a long time since I posted this much, and I probably will only do such post once in a while. That's all for this time. Out.

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